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dish a container for serving or holding food, usu. open and somewhat flat. [7 definitions]
dude (informal) a man who dresses in a showy manner and pays exceptional attention to his appearance; dandy. [3 definitions]
mad not of sound mind; temporarily deranged; insane, irrational, or maddened. [6 definitions]
meat the flesh of animals, esp. mammals, when used or regarded as food. [4 definitions]
metadata data that provides information about other data.
modish being in or according to current fashion or style; fashionable.
Mogadishu the seaport capital of Somalia.
mudfish any of various fishes, such as the bowfin, inhabiting mud or muddy water.
toad any of numerous tailless amphibians that have dry rough warty skins, live primarily on land, and resemble the related frog. [3 definitions]